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Money Week Year 5 Year 6 Finances Banks Shopping

Money Week Year 5 Year 6 Finances Banks Shopping

A nice little unit on financial planning. Some calculations required for better financial knowledge. Introduce ‘My Money’ week to children. Explain that we are going to spend all week discussing money, using mathematical operations, setting a budget and thinking about how we will deal with money in the future. Activity One Come back together and allow groups to share mind maps. Lead into a discussion on what money is; use online dictionary to look for definition. Come to the conclusion that it is a medium of exchange; we exchange money for goods or services. Make a list on the IWB of things which people use money for. Separate the list by highlighting things which people need and things that they want. TTYP – what is the ‘currency’ of the UK? Explain that it is called sterling and it is split into pounds and pence. Use PPT to check that children recognise all notes and coins of sterling. Activity One Children work in groups to mind map ‘money’. Each group to have three colours –create a key to show things they know, things they think they know and questions they have. If I gave you £1000 right now, what would spend it on? What might you wish you had spent it on in the future? Can the children name any currencies of other countries? (Euro, US dollar, Aus dollar, Yuan China, Rupee India etc)
Christmas assembly Script Ten Pages

Christmas assembly Script Ten Pages

ten page script. Nice piece you can perform in class or to an assemlbly. sample : Narrator: Welcome to our Christmas celebration! Narrator Welcome to INSERT TOWN, where our journey begins! Narrator: Picture our winter scene… Narrator: The air is filled with excitement, the faint hum of an inflatable Santa, blinding Christmas lights line the streets, illuminating the December skies. Narrator: Our story begins in a beautifu; house not too far away from here… Narrator: It is a tale of sadness, humour and love. If you are young or old, our story is one you will love! Narrator : Oh no it isn’t! Narrator: Oh yes it is! So sit back and enjoy the show, a magical tale of a young girl called Cinderella. Narrator: It’s December 23rd. A bitterly cold winter’s eve. Across the globe people were making last minute plans for Christmas festivities. Narrator: People running frantically from shop to shop to get their last minute presents. DANCE: SHOPPING BAGS AND PRESENTS (Christmas Wrapping) Narrator: Cinderella was busy vacuuming, cooking the dinner, ironing (funny mime of Cinderella doing different jobs all at once!) and washing,…… when something caught her eye…
Back to School Science  Year 5 Healthy Eating Scurvy Worksheet Powerpoints

Back to School Science Year 5 Healthy Eating Scurvy Worksheet Powerpoints

8 powerpoints and 4 word documents. Nice scurvy worksheet. Fun games on Science. Sample planning below. You get a lot more in full product. Begin by discussing ‘science’ with the class. What do they think of the subject? Can they name any important scientific skills? Introduce topic and ask children what they think the word ‘health’ means. Talk with talk partners. Children to find definition in dictionary and write class definition on strips of paper for display wall. Lead into a class discussion on keeping healthy; can the children predict what sorts of topics we might we might be covering? Can the HA children predict what SC1 investigations we might be carrying out? Introduce children to the resources which will be available to help them during this topic; the working wall plus table mats. Explain that each science topic will have a topic page and a glossary. This glossary gives the definitions of important vocabulary which they will come across during the unit. Activity One Children to feed back and complete class prior knowledge map. (Even if facts are not correct, add them on and clear up misconceptions throughout unit.) Children could add to their own map in a different colour any facts they have not got, which their peers suggest. Plenary Children to write some questions they would like us to find out during topic. Add to display and ensure they inform further planning. Homework: Children to bring in food labels for next lesson. Explain that we are going to look at the affect of our diet (what we eat) on our health and growth. Ask the class, What are your favourite foods? What foods would you eat all the time if you could? Ascertain that it might not be a good idea to live on just a few foods such as chips and that we need a variety of foods in order to function properly. Scan in some food labels. Display the food labels that the children should have brought in from home. What information do we find on the labels? Make a list of some of the key words on the labels. Why do manufacturers put information on food?
11 Plus Letter Patterns Volume One Logic Puzzles

11 Plus Letter Patterns Volume One Logic Puzzles

100 sheets with answers. The sort of thing that’s good for eleven plus prep. Good for logical thinking.11+ Grammar School Letter Pattern Questions What do you call a rooster with a bad sunburn? A fried chicken. Find the next two letters in the pattern for each set of letters. Use the alphabet grid if stuck. KGOKS_ _ OW (- 4 + 8) QOMKI_ _ GE (- 2) KGPLU_ _ QZ (- 4 + 9) FHJLN_ _ PR (+ 2) HJLNP_ _ RT (+ 2) GFHGI_ _ HJ (- 1 + 2) VSPMJ_ _ GD (- 3) SXQVO_ _ TM (+ 5 - 7) ZXVTR_ _ PN (- 2) FILOR_ _ UX (+ 3
Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett

Morning Work Sentence Uplevelling Work Literacy Year 5 Pie Corbett

Some easy worksheets to get pupils uplevelling. Good exercise to have on the desk when they arrive in class. Plus some nice VCOP and Pie Corbett stuff. Improving Sentences Checklist: improve the verb add an adjective (WOW word) extend with a connective start with an ly, ed or ing word include a simile or a metaphor add an adverbial Sentence up Levelling There was a volcano There were sparks flying Molten lava streamed down the sides
Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

Science Healthy Eating 5 Powerpoints Planning Worksheets Year 5 and 6

A great unit on healthy eating. Lovely series of 5 powerpoints plus bits and bobs. sample planning : Keeping healthy In this unit we will learn: · there are many aspects to keeping healthy · about the heart · how heartbeat is affected by exercise · how early ideas about diet & health were tested Enquiry Skill Focus: · repeating measurements · representing data in bar charts and graphs and interpreting these · using results to draw conclusions Begin by discussing ‘science’ with the class. What do they think of the subject? Can they name any important scientific skills? Introduce topic and ask children what they think the word ‘health’ means. Talk with talk partners. Children to find definition in dictionary and write class definition on strips of paper for display wall. Lead into a class discussion on keeping healthy; can the children predict what sorts of topics we might we might be covering? Can the HA children predict what SC1 investigations we might be carrying out? Introduce children to the resources which will be available to help them during this topic; the working wall plus table mats. Explain that each science topic will have a topic page and a glossary. This glossary gives the definitions of important vocabulary which they will come across during the unit. Activity One Children to feed back and complete class prior knowledge map. (Even if facts are not correct, add them on and clear up misconceptions throughout unit.) Children could add to their own map in a different colour any facts they have not got, which their peers suggest.
Science Interdependence Adaptation  Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6

Science Interdependence Adaptation Food Chains Planning Year 5 and 6

Massive amount of planning. Over a dozen powerpoints. More than six documents. More than a dozen word documents. Example planning : Pose the question – when we go into the supermarket, how can you find the things you want to buy? Lead into a discussion about how similar things are put together. If you want apples, you go to the fruit and veg section; if you want ice cream you go to the freezer. It saves time and makes the shopping easier. Scientists do a similar thing with living organisms. There are so many varied plants and animals, scientists need to keep dividing them into smaller groups to identify them. How would they do this? What would they look for? Explain that they look for similarities and differences to put the plants and animals into groups. Explain that we talk about the ‘plant kingdom’ and the ‘animal kingdom’. Animal Kingdom – how many different species of animals do the children think are on Earth? Take estimates. 800 000 They can be broadly broken into Vertebrates and Invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone. Invertebrates do not. What group do humans fit into? Activity One Use PowerPoint to talk through each group and their characteristics.
British Science Week Planning Great Resource Primary School All Years  year 4 esp

British Science Week Planning Great Resource Primary School All Years year 4 esp

If you are thinking of running a Science week, this is for you. A plan on how to have a whole week of Science for all Primary years. Great hyperlinks and you can adapt for your school. This will save you a lot of time. I have great Science units. Please have a look. Science Week Why are we running the event? For fun and to motivate children and staff Raise the profile of science Inform parents Encourage involvement in science Celebrate the science of the school Raise awareness of practical science activities related to the national curriculum. Promote outdoor learning When and for how long will the event be? Science week will take place during afternoon sessions from Monday 10th June – Friday 14th June, but any links to morning sessions of Numeracy or Literacy are encouraged! What will the theme of the event be? INVENTIONS AND DISCOVERY Inventions are important factors in our everyday lives. Children need to understand that without people thinking of better ways to do things, or making contraptions to make work easier, life would be much different for us today and in the future! Discovery This part of our theme will allow children the opportunity to answer ‘what if?’ questions! Discoveries are something new! Something we didn’t know about before. So they are, of course, important because they bring something new into society; it could be new knowledge, a new invention, a new scientific concept, a new idea, anything!! Possible Activities: • Demonstrations/hands on workshops for children • Challenges for the children to tackle at home or in school • Outdoor learning – Encourage opportunities for outdoor learning • Enquiry investigations Children are given an opportunity to focus on a full scale enquiry, without the worries of teaching, but the emphasis is on being a scientist, and enquiring. • Quizzes Paper based quiz for children to research at school or at home or a treasure hunt around school to find the quiz questions, with answers appearing later. • Problem solving activities Using science knowledge to overcome a problem • Displays Display photos of activities as they take place. Where possible create interactive displays in common areas that all children can explore. • Joint planning Year groups can plan joint activities that link with science topics.
Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Wolves in The Wall Planning Plus Literacy Arguments Neil Gaiman

Great 4 weeks planning for this Literacy topic. Really nice powerpoints. Plus free bonus. Plenty of argument planning using Olympics. Example planning :  Identify and discuss the various features of a fiction text, including characters, settings, themes and dilemmas, the author’s intentions, the structure and organisation of the text and the way language is used to create effects on the reader. Speaking  Use the techniques of dialogic talk to explore ideas, topics or issues. Creating and shaping texts  Set their own challenges to extend achievement & experience in writing. Understanding and interpreting texts  Understand how writers use different structures to create coherence and impact. Text structure and organisation  Use varied structures to shape and organise text coherently Sentence structure and punctuation  Express subtle distinctions of meaning, including hypothesis, speculation and supposition, by constructing sentences in varied ways  Use punctuation to clarify meaning in complex sentences To produce several pieces of writing based around the focus text. To learn and identify the features of a formal/impersonal text and comment on occasions where this may be necessary. To produce a formal letter, speech and broadcast using appropriate form, features and content. Remind children of last week’s immersion into the focus text. TTYP – what did you think of the text? If you could talk to the author, what would you say to him? Ask him? Display a ‘Likes/Dislikes/Patterns/Questions’ board on the whiteboard. Explain that we are going to focus on the ‘patterns’ section today. Re-read the last few pages of the book and add ‘false endings’ to the patterns section. Have some photocopied pages from the book in the centre of the tables (each table to have different pages). Give groups ten minutes to note any patterns they see on whiteboards. Come back together and note on the board to include: False endings. Simile Lucy asking her Mother, Father and brother for advice, always in that order. Adjectives for the noises she hears. Alliteration and onomatopoeia. Phrase “You know what they say…” Appearance of pig puppet. What effect do these patterns have on the reader? They give the text fluency, a rhythm almost like a poem. They make the text easier to read and digest. The repetition also mimics the repetition of Lucy’s pleas to her family to listen to her about the noises. They make the reader frustrated on Lucy’s behalf. Have one child write a definition of ‘atmosphere’ on a sentence strip for the working wall. A general feeling or mood. There are a few different atmospheres in this book. Discuss. List tension, frustration, relief etc on the board.
Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B

Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle. Planning for the Summer term for year 2. You get 50 mb of material so good value imo. Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz P.E. (a bit) R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this. Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals. Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste. Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Display Materials For Primary School Collection Maths English

Looking for a big set of display material for the new academic year? I have collected together all my collection from decades in teaching Primary school level. Aimed a little at the top end as that is where I spent most years. Lots of stuff. Vcop stuff Maths stuff. RE stuff Art. Over 400 files. Word, pdf, excel etc
Back To School Planning Year 4 Year 5 First Week Rules Activities Powerpoints

Back To School Planning Year 4 Year 5 First Week Rules Activities Powerpoints

back to school activity pack. Ideal for year 4 and 5. Can be adapted for different years of course. I mainly taught in these years groups, and this planning helped so much in that tricky first week, There;s a bit of everything. Planning of course, rules, display, activities Just packed with vital little time savers. Some really goo VCOP stuff too. Plenty of resources. Give it a go!
Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing

Big Write Big Writing Teaching Materials Lessons Planning Creative Writing

During my time as a teacher, I enjoyed doing a Big Write or Big Writing. I’ve gathered all my materials together. I liked it as it kept the children occupied all week, leading to a big write on Friday Mornings. There’s some great ideas and powerpoints in here. I’ve included a lot of Greek Myths stuff as I remember this as the best Big Write. sample : To understand the features of myths Introduce the topic of Myths and Legends. Mind map any ideas about ‘myths’ children already have. Explain that the class will be building up their own myth. With each group working on a different aspect of the myth. Show success criteria – list of features of a myth. Read Theseus and the Minotaur, pick out the different features of the myth, evident in this story. Each group will discuss and write ideas for each section. LA (Supported by Ta) Group 1: Describe the hero of the myth. Group 2: Describe the monster of the myth. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes. If this was a full lesson: Put together all the different groups’ ideas to build a storyboard for the class myth. As a class, decide on a title for our class ‘myth’. Children can: identify all the features of myths Features of a ‘myth’ · When and where is it set? · A hero/heroine · What is the problem? · Does the hero have special powers? · Fantastical beast · The hero’s journey · The conflict · The solution · How does it end? · Is it interesting? MA (Supported by ta) Group 3: Describe the setting of the myth. Group 4: Describe the journey the hero will make. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes. HA (Supported by Ta) Group 5: Describe the problem the hero will face. Group 6: Describe the resolution to the problem. Children will write ideas, words on post-it notes.
Music Planning Beethoven Greig Mozart Tchaikovsky Composer

Music Planning Beethoven Greig Mozart Tchaikovsky Composer

Planning from my time in Primary Schools. PRUNING NEEDED! Lots of music info. Lots of great composers. Beethoven Greig Mozart Tchaikovsky Sample : TOPIC: Listening and Understanding Music KS1LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVENRESOURCES: dvd copy of Disney’s Fantasia; Beethoven/Pastoral sheet; pictures of orchestral instrumentsLESSON ONEWatch the Pastoral Symphony excerpt, and explain that this very old film uses music that is even older. The artists listened to the story in the music and created their story to fit it. Having watched the excerpt, ask the children what they noticed about how the music and the cartoon went together. Think about the peaceful music for the peaceful scenes; the angry music for the storm; the way the winged horses alight in time to the music etc.Watch a second time, pausing as appropriate to highlight the interaction of music and cartoon. Start to spot instruments.LESSON TWOListen to the Fantasia version of the Pastoral without the cartoon. Invite the children to recognise instruments. Show them pictures of the instruments as they name them, discussing how they are played, how their sounds differ from each other, and why they suit the different aspects of the music. Discuss the differing roles within an orchestra and look at the layout of the orchestra. Invite the children to draw a picture of their favourite instrument and explain why it is their favourite.LESSON THREEWatch the Fantasia excerpt again and remind the children that this story is the artists’ idea of the musical story. Explain that the artists used mythological characters because these were very popular in paintings at the time the music was composed (you could show them some). Invite the children to listen to the music and write their own story, or create their own picture either using the mythological characters or their own ideas.LESSON FOUR Explain that the class is going to listen to the story of the man who composed the Pastoral Symphony, and then write about him and his famous piece of music. Provide the children with paper to make notes should they wish, and the sheets to write up their findings when they are ready.